SPICEJET Walk-in interviews for the position of

Trainee security Executive/CustoMer

Service Executive (Ground Staff) for Delhi

Airport on 10th SepteMber 202I from

9:00 aM to |11 am.

Job Title: Trainee Security Executive/

Security Executive

Department: Security

Location: Delhi

Experience: 0-3 years (Freshers can also

apply Age LiMit: 18 to 27)

(Graduates Or Final Year/6th SeMester

results waited candidates can only


Required Skills

Fluency in English is an essential criterion.

Excellent & coMMUnication skills.

Ability to work in a dynaMic and

challenging environMent is essential.

Willingness to work in a 24 x 7

environment which requires working in

shifts. including night shift.

Job Title: CustoMer Service

Executive/Senior CustoMer Service


Department: Airport Services

Location: Delhi

Experience: 0-3 years (Freshers Can also

apply Age Limit: 18 to 27)

(Graduates Or Final Year Result Awaited

Candidates can only aPPly)

Required Skills:

Fluency in English is an essential criterion

For more job requirements you can join my whatsapp group

You can also join me on telegraph 
